Giving and Stewardship

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in My house. Test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)

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 It’s all about the journey!

     October 5,2024 was a beautiful Fall morning for our 43rd annual Marble Festival road race. We just wanted to take this opportunity to voice our deepest appreciation for your participation. Thank you to our runners from the tiniest ones in strollers to those 80+years and all in between who ran their personal best. Thank you to all of our volunteers, who serve with joy and dedication. Thank you to our city and county officials. Thank you to our race officials; Gary Jenkins/ Pacesetters and Sloan & Cody/ Horizon. You are the best! Thank you to the rest of our church and community for your support, from buying a t-shirt to cheering on the runners.
The proceeds raised go back into the church to fund special ministries and to the community to fund many non- profit organizations.
The Dorcas circle’s mission statement being: to be in service to women and children {and we don’t leave the men out}

With faithful regards,

Juanita Tatum
 road race director & road race leadership team of the Dorcas Circle at Jasper UMC

“ let us run with endurance the race marked out for us” Hebrews 12:1




watch our live sermons below or visit our Youtube Channel and Facebook Page

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“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 9:00 AM - Contemporary Worship ServiceDec 1, 8:55am“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 9:00 AM -
Contemporary Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, (Online) Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 (CEB)
Sermon Title: “Anticipation: Hope”

Music used with Permission through the
following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Songs lead by "The Awakening":

"O Come (Let Us Adore)”
Written By: Jeff Pardo, Jordan Smith
CCLI Song #: 7186253
Copyright: © 2021 Provident Label Group LLC,
a division of Sony Music Entertainment
All rights reserved.

"Hope Was Born This Night”
Written By: Ben McDonald, David Frey
CCLI Song #: 5873296
Copyright: © 2010 Mike Curb Music; Pencil Prophet Publishing;
Run Run Milo; Word Music, 2010 Dayspring Music, LLC (Admin by Curb Music)
All rights reserved.

"Unto Us"
Written by: Matthew West, AJ Pruis
CCLI Song #: 7071703
Copyright: © 2016 Atlas Music Publishing,
House Of Story Music Publishing, Two Story House Music,
Highly Combustible Music (Admin by Hal Leonard obo Atlas Music Publishing)
All rights reserved.

“Mary, Did You Know”
Written By: Buddy Greene, Mark Lowry
CCLI Song #: 839225
Copyright: © 1991, 1993 Word Music, LLC (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.),
Rufus Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
All rights reserved.

Video Prelude:
Brandon Heath “We Need Emmanuel”
It’s a Root & Vine Christmas on OUR STORY OUR SONG featuring uplifting
Christmas music live from Brandon Heath singing “We Need Emmanuel.”

You can find us:
On The Web at
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Justin Davis - Interim Choir Director
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Barbara Gaddis - Nursery Coordinator
Nathaniel Singletary - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
... See MoreSee Less

“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 9:00 AM -  Contemporary Worship Service

“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship ServiceDec 1, 10:55am“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 11:00 AM -
Traditional Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 (CEB)
Sermon Title: “Anticipation: Hope”

Music used with Permission through
the following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Gathering Music:
Angela Ervin, Organ

"Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus"
Chancel Choir
words: Charles Wesley
Music: Rowland Hugh Prichard
Arr: Benjamin Harlan
copyright 2004 by Hal Leonard Corporation

Opning Hymn:
"Hail to the Lord's Anointed" #203
Words: James Montgomery, 1821
Music: Gesangbuch der H. W. K, Hofkapelle, 1784
adapt. and harm. by W.H. Monk, 1868
taken from the UM Hymnal

Chancel & Youth Choirs
Words and Music: Michael W. Smith and Joanna Carlson
Arr: Lloyd Larson
1998 and this Arr. 2005 Sony/ATV Tunes LLC,
Deer Valley Music, Dayspring Music, LLC.

“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” #95
WORDS: Thomas Ken
MUSIC: Attr. to Louis Bourgeois
taken from the UM Hymnal

Prayer Hymn:
"Emmanuel, Emmanuel" #204
Words & Music: Bob McGee, 1976
1976 C. A. Music (div. of Christian Artists Corp.)
taken from the UM Hymnal

Closing Hymn:
"As with Gladness Men of Old"
Text: William C. Dix
Music: Conrad Kocher
Celebration Hymnal

Angela Ervin, Organ

You can find us:
On The Web at
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Justin Davis - Interim Choir Director
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Barbara Gaddis - Nursery Coordinator
Nathaniel Singletary - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
... See MoreSee Less

“Anticipation: Hope” - 12/1/2024 11:00 AM -  Traditional Worship Service

You are welcome to sit with Luella this Sunday as we kick off the Advent season!
9:00 AM: Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM: Sunday School
11:00 AM: Traditional Worship
... See MoreSee Less

You are welcome to sit with Luella this Sunday as we kick off the Advent season! 
9:00 AM: Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM: Sunday School
11:00 AM: Traditional Worship

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

I'd love to sit with Lu!!

I meet you at 9am service!

She's really nice!

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Shared Prayers

pray for all who have been adversely affected by hurricane Helene!

Praise: I thought this would be a good place to let you know that every service that I have attended with Pastor Greg Meadows has always inspired me to the point of tears of joy. Despite the pain that has been going on in my life in the past few years, the message that he conveys hits home with me. I was raised in the church and sometimes I just need a reminder that God is always with me. In such an uncertain time for me, knowing that I can rely on my church family to lift me up no matter what is more than anyone can ask. I just thought you, Pastor Greg, should know that your love and guidance is showing and keep up the good work. God is watching you!

Reverend Alfred Larson has passed. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Thank you. ♥️

My fiancé, Mark Welsh, and I need your prayers. Currently he is overseas working for a government agency and is in a country that our military has freed from Taliban control. That freedom didn’t last long. Also, the youth of the country are being massacred. Please pray for our troops that are over there and the innocent people who deserve a better life.

Tom is a patient at Northside Cherokee recovering from an appendectomy after a ruptured appendix. This happened Friday afternoon/ Saturday morning. He hoped to go home this morning but is likely to happen Tuesday or later in the week. This was in addition to his cancer treatment on Tuesday.
Please pray for patience in the healing process an uneventful recovery from surgery.