Sunday, Sept. 13
8:30 am-Worship Service
9:45 am-Sunday School
9:45 am-Contemporary Service
11:00 am-Worship Service
4:00 pm-Youth Bells
5:00 pm-Ladies Bible Study
5:00 pm-Youth Choir
Monday, Sept. 14
8:00 am-Preschool
10:00 am-Quilt Group
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
8:00 pm-N.A.
Tuesday, Sept. 15
8:00 am-Preschool
10:00 am-Staff Meeting
1:00 pm-Adult Bible Study
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Boy Scouts
6:00 pm-Finance Committee
6:30 pm-Ruth House Banquet
7:00 pm-Church Council
8:00 pm-N.A.
Wednesday, Sept. 16
8:00 am-Preschool
4:00 pm-Kids of the Kingdom
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
5:15 pm-Chancel Bells
6:50 pm-Chancel Choir
Thursday, Sept. 17
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
6:30 pm-Praise Band
Friday, Sept. 18
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
8:00 pm-N.A.
Saturday, Sept. 19
10:00 am-Mountain City Soccer
11:00 am-Taste of JUMC
TASTE OF JUMC Saturday, September 19th, 11:00 am-2:00 pm at JUMC. $10.00 at the door. Silent Auction on Sept. 13th, 19th and 20th to benefit 2016 Kenya team. Bring auction donations to the church office for tax receipt.
LIFE LINE SCREENING. . .JUMC is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 9/25/15. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit
COOKBOOK NEWS Several years ago the UMW sold a cookbook to raise money to go in a new Church Sanctuary Fund. The cookbook SHARING OUR BEST ONCE AGAIN is still available for ONLY $5.00. Many of the goodies you enjoy at the Fellowship Coffee are from this book. Please help us out and purchase one, two or three at the Welcome Center or Church office.
SERVICE AND MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Greeters at Welcome Center, Oversee Fellowship Coffee, Clean up ushers table before/after a service, Pray for the Pastor and services Sunday mornings in prayer room, Answer church office phone on weekday mornings, Visitation of shut-ins/nursing homes, Calling on new visitors and taking a pie/jelly, etc., Sound Ministry, Sunday morning bus ministry, CDL holders to drive for bus trips, Rental owners willing to talk with Action Ministries about linking up with them See a need? Have a need? Let the office know. We care!
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Time is flying by and our Church Directory is progressing beautifully. If you have not scheduled an appointment, please sign up NOW. Families who may have forgotten are being contacted by phone as a reminder that we need everyone for this important event. This professionally designed directory will include family portraits of all members, and a roster of the church membership names, addresses, and phone numbers. Families who are photographed, and who have approved their portrait, will get a free copy of the new church directory. Additional professional quality family portraits will be offered at competitive prices. Your family is needed to help make this directory complete.
Call 1-877-896-9667 to sign up now or go to the church website and follow the link.