Sunday, Oct. 4
8:30 am-Worship Service
9:45 am-Sunday School
9:45 am-Contemporary Service
11:00 am-Worship Service
4:00 pm-Youth Bells
5:00 pm-Youth Choir
5:00 pm-Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm-MYF & Snack Supper
Monday, Oct. 5
8:00 am-Preschool
10:00 am-Quilt Group
4:00 pm-Stephen Ministry
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
8:00 pm-N.A.
Tuesday, Oct. 6
8:00 am-Preschool
10:00 am-Staff Meeting
1:00 pm-Adult Bible Study
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Boy Scouts
6:00 pm-Trustees
8:00 pm-N.A.
Wednesday, Oct. 7
8:00 am-Preschool
4:00 pm-Kids of the Kingdom
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
5:15 pm-Chancel Bells
6:50 pm-Chancel Choir
Thursday, Oct. 8
12:30 pm-Pictorial Directory Pictures
5:00 am-Mountain City Soccer5:30 pm-Seekers Circle
6:30 pm-Praise Band
7:00 pm-Dorcas Circle
7:00 pm-United Methodist Men
Friday, Oct. 9
12:30 pm-Pictorial Directory Pictures
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
8:00 pm-N.A.
Saturday, Oct. 10
8:00 am-Youth Marketplace
10:00 am-Mountain City Soccer
10:00 am-Pictorial Directory Pictures
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD-There are several ways to donate to OCC this year: You can fill your own box and bring to the church no later than Sunday, November 15th when we have our packing party or you can donate items for the boxes.
Suggestion items:
Toys: dolls, toy trucks, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc.
School supplies: pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, markers, writing pads, paper, coloring books, etc.
Hygiene items: Toothbrush, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Other: t-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)
A personal note: You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address the child may write back).
You can also make a donation to help with the cost of shipping. The cost for shipping each box is $7.
For more details: Please contact Linda Jones, 706-253-2637 or email her at OR Joyce Leist, 770-737-2767 or email her at We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY-Sunday, October 11th has been added as an extra day for pictures. If you have not made an appointment yet, please call to schedule yours now. We need everyone to make the directory complete. If you will not be available for pictures, you can submit a photograph to Leslie in the church office.
YOUTH MARKETPLACE-THIS Saturday, October 10th, 8:00 am-12:00 noon. If you have items that you would like to donate, please bring to Roxanne’s office.
BYRON HERBERT REECE FARM & HERITAGE CENTER-Thursday, October 29th, 8:30 am. Cost: $4.00 per person. Lunch at Jim’s Smokin’ Que. Deadline-Thursday, Oct. 22nd