Sunday, Aug. 30
8:30 am-Worship Service
9:45 am-Sunday School
9:45 am-Contemporary Service
11:00 am-Worship Service
6:00 pm-MYF & Snack Supper
7:00 pm-Youth Parent’s Meeting
Monday, Aug. 31
10:00am-Quilt Group
6:00 pm-Young Life Kick-Off
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
6:00 pm-Girl Scout Leader Meeting
8:00 pm-N.A.
Tuesday, Sept. 1
10:00 am-Staff Meeting
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Boy Scouts
6:00 pm-Trustees
8:00 pm-N.A.
Wednesday, Sept. 2
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
6:30 pm-Praise Band
Thursday, Sept. 3
6:00 pm-Preschool Open House
Friday, Sept. 4
5:00 pm-Mountain City Soccer
8:00 pm-N.A.
Saturday, Sept. 5
10:00 am-Mountain City Soccer
Day Trippin’ to Booth Western Museum, Cartersville, GA on Thursday, September 10th, 9:00 am. Sign up with Juanita Tatum, 706-253-2100, ext. 23 or Rosemarie Heindel, 404-861-1857.
LIFE LINE SCREENING. . .JUMC is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 9/25/15.
In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit community-partners.
Several years ago the UMW sold a cookbook to raise money to go in a new Church Sanctuary Fund. The cookbook SHARING OUR BEST ONCE AGAIN is still available for ONLY $5.00. Many of the goodies you enjoy at the Fellowship Coffee are from this book. Please help us out and purchase one, two or three at the Welcome Center or Church office.
AARP’S DRIVER SAFETY COURSE, “Smart Driver,” is a 6-hour defensive driver refresher class, offered for drivers of any age. It emphasizes driving strategies to keep us safely behind the wheel as we age. Course fee is $15 for AARP
members; $20 for non-members. A driver of any age is welcome to attend. Insurance companies usually extend a 10% discount on auto insurance premiums for a 3-year period after completing this class. The next class will be Saturday, September 12th, 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
Call Instructor Roberta Sarchet, 770-893-1814 to reserve your spot. It will be held at JUMC, room 106.
Greeters at Welcome Center, Oversee Fellowship Coffee, Clean up ushers table before/after a service, Pray for the Pastor and services Sunday mornings in prayer room, Answer church office phone on weekday mornings, Visitation of shut-ins/nursing homes, Calling on new visitors and taking a pie/jelly, etc., Sound Ministry, Sunday morning bus ministry, CDL holders to drive for bus trips, Rental owners willing to talk with Action Ministries about linking up with them, Email blast ministry-letting congregation know of pertinent news or needs
See a need? Have a need? Let the office know. We care!
LADIES BIBLE STUDY-Sacred Secrets by Beth Moore, beginning Sunday, September 13th, 5:00-7:00 pm, Room 106. Book Cost: $12.00. Contact Kathy Huntington to sign up, 770-893-8269,