This past Sunday, September 13 we shared some time with Mark 8:27-38. This is not an easy text as Jesus shares what it means to be his follower. The requirement is the willingness to deny our selfish nature, take up our cross and follow Him. Cross living can be hard and it requires sacrifice. Cross living also brings about change in our life. Cross living helps us see the world through God’s eyes and not human eyes. Don’t get me wrong we will never see the world completely the way God does but when we take up our cross every day we are blessed by what God will reveal. So how did you take up your cross today? Have you made some sacrifices so the world can see to whom your life belongs? Has God blessed you with Godly beauty today as if you were able to see through God’s eyes? Think about it, share your thoughts and invite others to consider Cross Living as well!
Just a thought from your Pastor.