Did you know that when you read the book of I Corinthians that you are reading someone else’s mail? The Apostle Paul wrote letters to churches that he helped get started. These epistles are letters of encouragement, education and often correction. In the case of the books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians Paul is teaching them how a follower of Jesus looks and lives. They are new to the concept of and need guidance as they leave their pagan world with many gods and grow in a relationship with the one true God. I used our text this past Sunday, January 17, to remind us of our need to continue to grow and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We understand new beginnings and the need to grow in knowledge so that we can improve. The Christians of Corinth needed to learn and Paul was teaching them about various aspects they need to know in order to be disciples of Jesus. It is amazing but all these years later we are still growing and learning and we often need lessons as well so we can grow in our knowledge of God. Here at the beginning of a new year it is a great time to seek to make our lives different and the best place to start is in our relationship with Jesus. When we seek God’s guidance and use the gifts and graces with which God has blessed our lives then and only then can we seek to reach the full potential God has in store for each of us. With the encouragement Paul sent to the Corinthians and some inspiration from the folks in the video may God bless us here at Jasper UMC in 2016!!
Congratulations to one of our members Tom Harrison named Citizen of the Year for his servants heart shared here in Jasper and Pickens County.
Over the next few weeks we are going to walk on through I Corinthians. This Sunday get ahead by reading I Corinthians 12: 12-31a we will focus on the title “Body Building”.