3 Sunday Services

8:30 - 9:45 - 11:00


Traditional Service


Reverend Greg Meadows, the senior Pastor leads the 8:30am service. The Director of Music and Worship is Roxanne Golden

Contemporary Service


Reverend Greg Meadows, the senior Pastor leads the Contemporary service. The Director of Contemporary Music and Worship is Nathaniel Singletary

Traditional Service

11:00 am

Reverend Greg Meadows, the senior Pastor leads the 8:30am service. The Director of Music and Worship is Roxanne Golden

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22 hours ago
Jasper United Methodist Church

"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -
Traditional Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (CEB)
Sermon Title: "Letting down the nets"
Theme: The work of God"

Music used with Permission through
the following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Gathering Music:
Angela Ervin, Organ


Opning Hymn:
"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"
Celebration Hymnal #602
Text: Source Unknown
Music: Folk melody from India: arranged by Eugene Thomas
copyright 1996 by Word Music.

"Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore"
Chancel Choir
Words: Cesareo Gabarain; trans by Gertrude C. Suppe, George Lockwood, and Raquel Gutierrez-Achon, 1987
Music: Cesareo Gabarain; harm. by Skinner Chavez-Melo, 1987
1979 Ediciones Paulinas; trans. 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House;
harm. 1987 Skinner Chavez-Melo

Prayer Hymn:
"A Charge to Keep I Have"
UMH #413
Words: Charles Wesley, 1762
Music: Lowell Mason, 1832
United Methodist Hymnal
Copyright 1989
The United Methodist Publishing House
Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37202

Closing Hymn:
"Here I Am, Lord"
Words: Dan Schutte, 1981
Music: Dan Schutte, 1981; adapt. by Carlton R. Young, 1988
UMH #593

Angela Ervin, Organ

You can find us:
On The Web at www.JasperUMC.org
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Emily Countryman - Nursery Coordinator
?? - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
Phyllis Pool - Pianist
Alan Johnson - Head Usher
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8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thanks for beautiful music, Phyllis

Good morning Church!

Good Morning Church Friends ⛪️

Glad to be with you at Kennastone hospital with my Bride Susan

Good Sermon, Greg

Good morning

Good Morning All

Good morning JUMC!

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1 day ago
Jasper United Methodist Church

"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -
Contemporary Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, (Online) Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (CEB)
Sermon Title: "Letting down the nets"
Theme: The work of God"

Music used with Permission through the
following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Songs lead by "The Awakening":

“Lord, I Need You”
Written By: Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves,
Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher
CCLI Song #: 5925687
Copyright: © 2011 sixsteps Music, Sweater Weather Music, Thankyou Music,
Valley Of Songs Music, worshiptogether.com songs
All rights reserved.

“The Heart of Worship"
Written By: Matt Redman
CCLI Song #: 2296522
Copyright: 1999 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
All rights reserved

“All Things New"
Written By: David Leonard, Michael Weaver
CCLI Song #: 7100681
Copyright: © 2019 Hyatt Street Publishing,
All rights reserved

You can find us:
On The Web at www.JasperUMC.org
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Emily Countryman - Nursery Coordinator
?? - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
Phyllis Pool - Pianist
Alan Johnson - Head Usher
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3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Good Morning from the sound booth! May it be a wonderful day of worship!

Iam watching

Barbara Burns

2 days ago
Jasper United Methodist Church

"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM - Contemporary Worship ServiceFebruary 9, 2025, 8:55am"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -
Contemporary Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, (Online) Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (CEB)
Sermon Title: "Letting down the nets"
Theme: The work of God"

Music used with Permission through the
following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Songs lead by "The Awakening":

“Lord, I Need You”
Written By: Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves,
Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher
CCLI Song #: 5925687
Copyright: © 2011 sixsteps Music, Sweater Weather Music, Thankyou Music,
Valley Of Songs Music, worshiptogether.com songs
All rights reserved.

“The Heart of Worship"
Written By: Matt Redman
CCLI Song #: 2296522
Copyright: 1999 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
All rights reserved

“All Things New"
Written By: David Leonard, Michael Weaver
CCLI Song #: 7100681
Copyright: © 2019 Hyatt Street Publishing,
All rights reserved

You can find us:
On The Web at www.JasperUMC.org
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Emily Countryman - Nursery Coordinator
?? - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
Phyllis Pool - Pianist
Alan Johnson - Head Usher
... See MoreSee Less

Letting down the nets - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -  Contemporary Worship Service
2 days ago
Jasper United Methodist Church

"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship ServiceFebruary 9, 2025, 10:55am"Letting down the nets" - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -
Traditional Worship Service

Thank you for joining us today
Thank you for your continued support through your
Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness.

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (CEB)
Sermon Title: "Letting down the nets"
Theme: The work of God"

Music used with Permission through
the following license numbers:
CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License)
CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593
CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License)
CVL# 503872689 (Video License)

Gathering Music:
Angela Ervin, Organ


Opning Hymn:
"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"
Celebration Hymnal #602
Text: Source Unknown
Music: Folk melody from India: arranged by Eugene Thomas
copyright 1996 by Word Music.

"Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore"
Chancel Choir
Words: Cesareo Gabarain; trans by Gertrude C. Suppe, George Lockwood, and Raquel Gutierrez-Achon, 1987
Music: Cesareo Gabarain; harm. by Skinner Chavez-Melo, 1987
1979 Ediciones Paulinas; trans. 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House;
harm. 1987 Skinner Chavez-Melo

Prayer Hymn:
"A Charge to Keep I Have"
UMH #413
Words: Charles Wesley, 1762
Music: Lowell Mason, 1832
United Methodist Hymnal
Copyright 1989
The United Methodist Publishing House
Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37202

Closing Hymn:
"Here I Am, Lord"
Words: Dan Schutte, 1981
Music: Dan Schutte, 1981; adapt. by Carlton R. Young, 1988
UMH #593

Angela Ervin, Organ

You can find us:
On The Web at www.JasperUMC.org
On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA
On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch

Greg Meadows - Pastor
Cathy Riley - Office Manager/Interim KOK & Chancel Choirs
Anna Faith Adair- Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Marketing
Donna Dooley - Preschool Director
Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager
Paul Singletary - Director of Audio-Visual Ministry
Emily Countryman - Nursery Coordinator
?? - Contemporary Worship Leader
Angela Ervin - Organist
Lydia Meadows - A/V Production Assistant
Phyllis Pool - Pianist
Alan Johnson - Head Usher
... See MoreSee Less

Letting down the nets - 2/9/2024 11:00 AM -  Traditional Worship Service

Worship first, wings later! Don’t miss being with your church family this Super Bowl Sunday!

9AM: Contemporary
9:45AM: Sunday School
11AM: Traditional Worship

And at Elevate Youth Sunday night (5:30-7) we will be watching the big game! Bring your friends!
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Worship first, wings later! Don’t miss being with your church family this Super Bowl Sunday!

9AM: Contemporary
9:45AM: Sunday School
11AM: Traditional Worship

And at Elevate Youth Sunday night (5:30-7) we will be watching the big game! Bring your friends!
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Giving and Stewardship

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in My house. Test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)

How can we pray for you?

Prayer Request

When you submit a prayer request you have the option to share your prayer on the website. If you choose not to share your prayer then all information will be kept confidential.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Shared Prayers

pray for all who have been adversely affected by hurricane Helene!

Praise: I thought this would be a good place to let you know that every service that I have attended with Pastor Greg Meadows has always inspired me to the point of tears of joy. Despite the pain that has been going on in my life in the past few years, the message that he conveys hits home with me. I was raised in the church and sometimes I just need a reminder that God is always with me. In such an uncertain time for me, knowing that I can rely on my church family to lift me up no matter what is more than anyone can ask. I just thought you, Pastor Greg, should know that your love and guidance is showing and keep up the good work. God is watching you!

Reverend Alfred Larson has passed. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Thank you. ♥️

My fiancé, Mark Welsh, and I need your prayers. Currently he is overseas working for a government agency and is in a country that our military has freed from Taliban control. That freedom didn’t last long. Also, the youth of the country are being massacred. Please pray for our troops that are over there and the innocent people who deserve a better life.

Tom is a patient at Northside Cherokee recovering from an appendectomy after a ruptured appendix. This happened Friday afternoon/ Saturday morning. He hoped to go home this morning but is likely to happen Tuesday or later in the week. This was in addition to his cancer treatment on Tuesday.
Please pray for patience in the healing process an uneventful recovery from surgery.

Please pray for Charles and Arlene Scott. Charles is undergoing a Stem Cell Transplant in the coming days. All of Charles friends in Bent Tree are praying for a successful transplant and recovery.


North GA Mountains History Center organization, an501c (3) nonprofit is reaching out to all the churches in the Pickens community. We need your prayers! Our board believes in the power of prayer.

It is our hope to secure a building adequate for honoring our military veterans. We will have an expansive display of military exhibits featuring all the wars including the American Revolutionary War so that we can honor those who fought for us and for those who died for us.

In addition to the military museum, there will be insightful exhibits of Pickens Mountain history. One of our goals is to offer tours of the historic churches, cemeteries, and landmarks in the county.

Another goal is to partner with the school systems and offer trunk shows and educational programs.

The only thing that we are asking of you is to tell your congregation about our mission and organization. We have a 1,000 People Campaign to help get the word out and hopefully raise enough funds to secure a building that will be ADA compliant and easily accessible to the residents and visitors.

Please pray for our success in accomplishing our mission!

God Bless,

Jan Murphy


Please, pray for Jason, Cale, Michele, Jacque’s salvation/rededication and for Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and my relationships with them to grow. Jason and Jacque don’t believe God exists. Michele and Cale have wandered from a personal relationship with Jesus. Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and I want them to come back and to love Jesus with us. Thank you!

This is a praise report! I did not realize that my prayer request from January was still on the website, if you could remove it that would be great. I was in the hospital and rehabilitation thru April. Stayed at mother’s until June, and was finally able to return home. It’s been a long year, but I would say by October I felt almost back to normal. I thank you and Canton UMC for your prayers and love. I praise the Lord for my healing and am praying for others health and healing❤️ Thank you, Holly Bagwell Yarbrough

Please pray for my step-son Jeffery Welsh as he has been diagnosed with appendicitis and is currently in England going to school. His father is also out of country as well. Thank you.

Cindy Koehlet