July 26
8:30 am-Worship Service
9:45 am-Sunday School
9:45 am-Contemporary Service
11:00 am-Worship Service
July 27
10:00am-Quilt Group
8:00 pm-N.A.
July 28
10:00 am-Staff Meeting
7:00 pm-Church Council
8:00 pm-N.A.
July 30
6:30 pm-Praise Band
7:00 pm-Financial Peace
July 31
5:30 pm-Serendipity Class Game Night
8:00 pm-N.A.
Aug. 22-Stop Hunger Now, 9:00 am unload truck, 10:00 am start packing meals.  EVERYONE welcome.  NEEDED: $2500.  Mark your offering for Stop Hunger Now.
Our Kenyan connection, Thomas Agutu will be in the U.S. Sept. 10-Oct. 7.  For time with him at Sunday School, Small Group, Bible Study, or a meal in your home, contact
Sept. 13, 19-20-Silent Auction to benefit 2016 Kenya team.  Bring auction donations to the church office for tax receipt.
Sept. 19-TASTE OF JUMC-Calling all cooks!  Fix a dish, serve it up and take the raves!  11:00-2:00.  Fun, food,
fellowship!  Event cost $10 at the door.
ACOLYTE TRAINING for ages 2nd-5th grade on Sunday,
August 9th immediately following the 11:00 worship service.  Youth who have moved up to 6th grade who would like to stay on the schedule, please contact Mrs. Shelly Vincent to let her
DAY TRIPPIN’, Friday, August 14th, 8:00 am departure to Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, TN.  Will return home 4(ish).  Ticket prices are $23. I-Max tickets may be purchased for $6 extra upon arrival with your TA ticket.  All are Welcome to join us!  Please contact Juanita Tatum or
Rosemarie Heindel to order your ticket AND reserve your seat on the bus.  Contact info:  Juanita/,706-253-2100 OR Rosemarie/, 404-861-1857.
SUNDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES, August 16th, 23rd, 30th, 6:00-7:30 pm.  A snack supper is included.  We ask the students to bring $3 for the meal.  Meet in the sanctuary.  Pickup is in the parking lot at the back of the church or in the sanctuary.
“COME ONE, COME ALL” CHOIR:  All congregation members and friends are invited to come to the choir room each Sunday in August at 10:33 am and join us as we sing a simple but fun
Gospel Song with a very short warm-up.  NO ROBES-Casual Attire (just no flip flops).
PLEASE REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR NAME TAGS.  If you have joined the church within the last 6 months, you can find your new name tag on the ushers table in the back of the
FAITH & FUN. . .Saturday, August 8th, 6:00-8:00 pm, Family Cookout with hotdogs and hamburgers.  ALL ARE INVITED!! CHURCH AND COMMUNITY.
Needed:  Several people to hand out flyers on Saturday, August 1st and to help cook on August 8th.  If interested, please see Jack Knight.
2ND ANNUAL WILD GAME DINNER. . .Thursday, August 27th, 6:00 pm at Chattahoochee Technical College.  ”Celebrating the value of Dads and Granddads in the lives of their children.”
Key Note Speakers:  John Sowers-Author of Fatherless
Generation and Steve Lowe-The Joy House.
Tickets:  $15/each, $150/table.
For more information contact:
Barry Hardison at
For reservations call 404-218-7539.
The North Georgia Men’s Christian Fellowship (NGMCF)
invites all men for breakfast, praise music, and testimony August 8th, 8:30 am at Georgia Mountains Hospice.