Aug. 9
8:30 am-Worship Service
9:45 am-Sunday School
9:45 am-Contemporary Service
11:00 am-Worship Service
12:00 noon-Acolyte Training
Aug. 10
10:00am-Quilt Group
8:00 pm-N.A.
Aug. 11
10:00 am-Staff Meeting
6:00 pm-Boy Scouts
8:00 pm-N.A.
Aug. 13
5:00 pm-Seekers Circle
6:00 pm-Girl Scouts
6:30 pm-Praise Band
6:45 pm-Dorcas Circle
7:00 pm-United Methodist Men
Aug. 14
8:00 am-Day Trippin’
8:00 pm-N.A.
THANK YOU for your overwhelming support of the Stop Hunger Now campaign. Last Sunday we raised $1,441.07 and with our matching pledge we are well over our goal of $2,900. That gives us a good start on the Spring 2015 event. Don’t forget to put the date-August 22nd-on your calendar and come out and help us pack meals to feed those who are hungry throughout the world.
Aug. 22-Stop Hunger Now, 9:00 am unload truck, 10:00 am start packing meals. EVERYONE welcome.
Our Kenyan connection, Thomas Agutu will be in the U.S. Sept. 10-Oct. 7. For time with him at Sunday School, Small Group, Bible Study, or a meal in your home, contact
Sept. 13, 19-20-Silent Auction to benefit 2016 Kenya team. Bring auction donations to the church office for tax receipt.
Sept. 19-TASTE OF JUMC-Calling all cooks! Fix a dish, serve it up and take the raves! 11:00-2:00. Fun, food, fellowship! Event cost $10 at the door.
YOUTH MINISTRIES. . .SUNDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES, August 16th, 23rd, 30th, 6:00-7:30 pm. A snack supper is included. We ask the students to bring $3 for the meal. Meet in the sanctuary. Pickup is in the parking lot at the back of the church or in the sanctuary.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR NAME TAGS. If you have joined the church within the last 6 months, you can find your new name tag on the ushers table in the back of the sanctuary. New ones can be ordered from the church office.
Anyone interested in ringing in the Youth Bells or Chancel Bells, please see Roxanne.
All rehearsals begin after Labor Day.
TRUSTEES. . .The trustees are seeking someone with do-it-yourself skills to repair the vertical window blinds in the church classrooms. If you are interested, please contact Steve Lawrence, 770-335-0180 or Leslie Coleman, 706-253-2100.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for 2nd Annual Wild Game Dinner on August 27th, 6:00 pm-Assistance is needed for food set up, serving lines and cleanup once attendees have been fed. Sign up sheets are available in the church narthex and in the church office.